I’m experienced, have a passion for learning and take pride in my accomplishments.
I can work well with a group or take charge of it if necessary, and while there may not
be am ' I ' in TEAM, there is in Inspired, Innovative and Imaginative.
This web site is a part of my design portfolio, built using Dreamweaver 8, it
final project for both the Graphic Design Processes and Web Design Mastery
Quinsigamond Community College. I 've always believed that less can
express more, and I tried to keep that concept in mind
when I created this site.
I wanted to make it attractive yet easy to navigate, imaginative
but not overstated.
After all you're here to see samples of my work,
not a lot of computer generated
flash and gimmicks. Some of the programs used to create
this and
other sites
on the Portfolio pages include Dreamweaver, GoLive, Photoshop
and Illustrator. ImageReady and Flash were used for some of the animations.
I was born and grew up in Massachusetts the birth place of Yankee Ingenuity. After graduating high school I attended
the School of the Worcester Art Museum, where
I studied drawing, painting, sculpture
and other fine arts. After pursuing a career
some time, I returned to college to improve
my graphic design skills and received
an Associates Degree in Applied Arts
with Highest Honors.
To me the concept of a good design is about promoting a product or idea in a
unique and distinctive way so that it will be remembered and acted on by a target audience.
I love nature, color and animals and I've always had numerous pets in my life.
While you're browsing this site you'll see
that I enjoy including all three in my
work whenever I can.
To make navigating the portfolio easier I have placed an image link, the paw print
button you see here, on sections that have multiple pages. Clicking on this button
will either
return you to the main portfolio page or to the first page
of the section
you are viewing. |